
Processing of complaints

Industra Bank always maintains a dialog with the customer based on mutual respect, establishing sustainable cooperation with customers, assesses the opinion or complaint made by each customer and provides examination of the submitted complaints, taking into account the principles of honesty and openness.

Processing of complaints is performed in accordance with provisions of the Procedure for Acceptance and Review of Customer Complaints and principles of personal data processing and protection. Industra Bank provides high level confidentiality of personal data and implements data protection measures, ensuring lawful, honest and transparent data processing. More details about Personal data processing.

Contact information of Industra Bank

What complaint can I submit?

A complaint can be submitted to the bank by expressing dissatisfaction with the financial service used/applied for by the customer, including the bank's activity or inactivity, the quality of the service provided, the customer service culture.

If you submit to the bank a payment card transaction complaint or complaint regarding an unauthorized payment, the bank accepts and processes it in accordance with the General Business Terms and Conditions.

Complaints about the receipt of cash or the deposit into the account, including the amount of the issued amount, the authenticity or quality of the banknotes, are reviewed only if they are expressed during the relevant transaction and in the presence of the employee who performed the transaction. Failure to raise objections in accordance with the procedure specified in this Clause shall be considered as your clear consent to the terms of the transaction, and the bank shall not accept complaints about these transactions later.

You can also express your opinion or suggestions on the improvement of the bank's operations.

How can I submit a complaint?

The bank accepts complaints in Latvian, English or Russian. 

The complaint can be submitted in writing via any official communication channel of the bank:

  • upon appearance of the customer or its representative at the bank (including at any customer service centre);
  • preparing a submission in free form or filling in the standard complaint form, signing it and sending to us:
    • via mail or courier mail to the address of the bank: JSC Industra Bank, Muitas iela 1, Riga, LV-1010
    • on the internet bank;
    • or by sending to the e-mail address ;
  • by filling in and sending the feedback form available on the website of the bank (if the complaint does not contain confidential information).

The date of receipt of the document by the bank shall be deemed as the moment of submission of the written complaint.

When submitting a complaint to the customer service centre, a personal identification document shall be presented.
If a complaint is submitted by your representative, always present also a document, confirming the right of the person to represent you.

If you need an approval of the fact of receipt of the complaint, it shall be specified when submitting the complaint.

What should I know about submission of the complaint on the website of the bank, via e-mail of the bank info@industra.finance and when using the Standard Complaint Form?

You may submit a complaint by filling in the feedback form on the website, if it does not contain confidential information, i.e., information about the customer, its accounts and transactions. If the complaint contains confidential information, please, select other form for submission of the complaint. 

You can submit a complaint to the e-mail , which shall be signed with a safe electronic signature. In such case you can specify confidential information in the complaint. 

If you wish to use the standard complaint form, it should be filled in, signed with a safe electronic signature and sent to the bank to the e-mail . You can print out also the filled in standard complaint form, sign it by your own hand and submit by appearing at the bank (at any customer service centre), sending via mail or courier mail to the address of the bank: AS Industra Bank, Muitas iela 1, Riga, LV- 1010.

How fast the bank will review my complaint?

The date of receipt of the complaint in the bank shall be deemed as the moment of submission of the written complaint.

We will review your submitted complaint and send a written reply within15 (fifteen) working days from the day of receipt of the complaint. In case if additional check will be required or additional information should be requested, or due to any other objective reasons, the time period for review of the complaint may be extended up to 35 (thirty-five) working days. We will inform you in writing on the extension of the time period for review, specifying the reasons for delay and the planned period of review of the complaint.

How the bank will reply to my complaint?

The bank will make a decision about every complaint and shall inform you to the extent it is not limited by requirements of legal acts.

The bank will provide a reply to the complaint via the same communication channel used by you for submission of the complaint, unless you will make a wish to receive a reply via any other communication channel.

If your wish a reply to be provided to your e-mail, we will send a reply in the encrypted form by informing you on the password, taking care for your data safety.

Can the bank leave my complaint without examination?

The bank shall be entitled to leave the complaint without examination in the following cases:

  1. the submitter of the complaint is not specified in the complaint (name, surname and address);
  2. the complaint is not signed (including with a safe electronic signature);
  3. the text of the complaint is not readable or understandable due to objective reasons;
  4. the complaint is submitted in any language, other than Latvian, English or Russian;
  5. a reply to the complaint is provided before, and the content thereof with regard to the legal or actual circumstances specified in the previous complaint has not changed on the merits;
  6. the content of the complaint is obviously offensive;
  7. if the complaint is prepared by the authorised representative of the customer, but the complaint is not enclosed with a document confirming the authorisation.

In the above-mentioned cases, except Clause 1, the bank will inform you that the complaint is being left without examination, specifying the substantiation.

Can I revoke my complaint?

You have the right at any period of examination of the complaint to revoke your complaint in writing. Revocation of the complaint shall be accepted by the bank and reviewed according the same procedure the complaints are accepted.

If you will revoke your complaint in full, the bank will terminate examination of the complaint.

If you will revoke the complaint in part, the bank will examine it in the part that is not revoked.

What if I am not satisfied with the reply of the bank to my complaint?

The bank always tries to settle all disagreement with submitters of complaints. The bank shall always specify in its replies to complaints clear substantiation of the decision made with regard to the situation set forth in the complaint, considering objectivity and fairness in the decision-making. However, if you are still not satisfied with the decision of the bank, you have the right to turn to the Ombudsman of the Latvian Financial Industry Association, who is a neutral mediator and the purpose of which is to establish circumstances and to reach an agreement between the customer and the bank. The Ombudsman of the Latvian Financial Industry Association is located at 1 Roberta Hirša iela, Riga, LV-1045, and its website is https://www.financelatvia.eu/ombuds/.

If you believe that a breach of consumer rights protection is to be established in this case, you have the right to complain about the Bank's conduct to the Consumer Rights Protection Centre, located at 55 Brivibas Street, Riga, LV - 1010; its website is www.ptac.gov.lv.

Besides, you also have the right to submit a complaint on the Bank’s conduct to its supervisory authority. Supervision of the activities of the Bank is performed by the Bank of Latvia. Address of the Bank of Latvia is 2A Kr.Valdemara iela, Riga, LV-1050, its website is https://www.bank.lv/, information about notification on violations is available: https://www.bank.lv/par-mums/zinosana-par-parkapumiem.

How can I submit a complaint about JSC Industra Invest?

Yes, you can submit a complaint about JSC Industra Invest. Procedure for submission and examination of the complaints is the same as in the Bank, but considering that the complaint shall be submitted to JSC Industra Invest to the e-mail address .

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