
Loans for Business Growth

Lending is the main thing we do.

  • Loan for business growth starting from 100,000 to 4 million euros
  • Flexible repayment schedule
  • Initial evaluation within two working days
  • Individual solutions

No two companies are exactly alike. Just like no two people are exactly alike. Ideas, plans, opportunities, future potential, daily needs are all different.

Therefore, each loan case will be assessed by INDUSTRA specialists in accordance with specific needs. However, if we do not find a solution for your case, we will not waste your time and will tell you that right away.

INDUSTRA 's motto is to build true partnerships - mutually beneficial, equal and sustainable. In our opinion, it is the loan that is the best proof of a true partnership, since it requires serious investments and understanding from both parties.

Corporate lending is the most important activity of Industra

Every successful business creates value, but it needs a financial partner to grow and expand.

Our bank is designed to understand the specifics and needs of each industry - from food production, forestry and wood processing to agriculture and IT sector.

Together we will find the most suitable financing model for your company, so you can realize the full potential of your ideas.

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In today's business landscape, integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into lending decisions is no longer just a trend but a necessity. ESG considerations help lenders assess a company's long-term sustainability and ethical impact, ensuring that investments are not only financially sound but also socially responsible. By incorporating ESG criteria, lenders can identify risks and opportunities that traditional financial metrics might overlook, such as environmental liabilities, social reputation, and governance practices. This holistic approach fosters more resilient business models and ultimately contributes to a more sustainable economy.

Furthermore, ESG-driven lending promotes transparency and accountability. Companies that score well on ESG metrics tend to exhibit better risk management and stronger long-term performance. 

To enable companies to calculate their climate impact, as well as to standardise and simplify the data collection process for sustainability indicators in Baltic businesses, the Baltic banking associations and financial institutions have developed two tools that are freely available to any company.

Unified cross-Baltic ESG Client Questionnaire
The Unified ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) questionnaire standardises and simplifies the process of collecting data on the sustainability indicators of businesses in the Baltic countries.

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions calculator
The GHG Emissions Calculator allows companies to easily calculate their climate impact. We hope that this tool will serve as encouragement and support in taking the first steps towards calculating your company’s or organisation’s environmental impact, providing a starting point for planning future actions to reduce this impact.

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