In force from 05.02.2024.

1.1. Opening and closing9

No. Services Price list in EUR
1.1.1. Consideration of documents1 and opening of a (multicurrency2) current account3 250,00 EUR

Additional commission fee for initial examination of documents for a person who is not a citizen of the EU, EEA or Switzerland1

300,00 EUR

1.1.2. Closing of a (multicurrency) current account4 100,00 EUR
1.1.3. Obtaining information from another source that is necessary for checking the Customer's compliance and account opening actual costs (min. 5,00 EUR)

1.2. Maintenance

No. Services Price list in EUR
1.2.1. Maintenance of multicurrency account4;5 30,00 EUR / per month
1.2.2. Maintenance of inactive6 account    up to 24 months 100,00 EUR / per month    starting from the 24th month 200,00 EUR / per month
1.2.3. Obtaining information from another source that is necessary for checking the Customer's compliance or processing the correspondent bank's request for customer or account servicing actual costs (min. 5,00 EUR)
1.2.4. Fee for storage of funds for the Customer with whom the Bank terminates cooperation up to 3 months 200,00 EUR/per month as from the 4th month 700,00 EUR/per month

1.3. Account statements

No. Services Price list in EUR
1.3.1. Receiving the Customer's independently prepared account statement in the Internet bank free of charge
1.3.2. Issuance of an account statement prepared at the Bank via Bank, Internet bank or e-mail for a period of up to 12 months 0,50 EUR for one copy (min. 5,00 EUR) for a period of over 12 months 0,50 EUR for one copy (min. 10,00 EUR)
1.3.3. Issuance of an account statement, upon Customer's request, if the account is closed 1,00 EUR for one copy (min. 20,00 EUR)

1.4. Performance of mandatory actions required under law

No. Services Price list in EUR
1.4.1. Acceptance of a bailiff's order, a collection order of the State Revenue Service, an enforcement document (decision) issued by a court, a decision of the tax administration for enforcement and other State and local government institutions and officials who are entitled to perform collection on a no contestation basis 50,00 EUR
1.4.2. Compulsory transfer of funds, in accordance with the Order of bailiffs, the collection order of the State Revenue Service, an enforcement document (decision) issued by the court, a decision of the tax administration and a document issued by other State and local government institutions and officials who are entitled to perform collection on a no contestation basis laid down in laws and regulations according to the Money transfers price list in the Bank

1.5. Other tariffs related to the management of ML/TF/PF (money laundering, terrorism financing and proliferation financing) risk and sanctions risk

No. Services Price list in EUR
1.5.1. Penalty for failure to submit documents or information, as requested by the bank and required for the management of the customer's ML/TF/PF (money laundering, terrorism financing and proliferation financing) risk and sanctions risk, within the term or in the amount specified by the bank 50,00 - 1000,00 EUR                                                                                              
1.5.2. Fee for each case when the bank has to perform customer due diligence or enhanced customer due diligence7 25,00 -1000,00 EUR
1.5.3. Fee for additional due diligence/ compliance check of the customer/ activity/ transaction / payment partner/ documents8 100,00 EUR/per hour

1 In case of refusal by the Bank to open an account, the fee for consideration of documents will not be paid back.
2 It is possible to handle funds in several currencies specified by the Bank.
3 The Bank has the right to charge an additional commission fee for opening an account in an accelerated order (opening an account in an accelerated order is possible within 2 business days after submitting the full set of documents to the Bank).
For non-resident individuals who receive a pension of the Republic of Latvia in their current account with Industra Bank, the fee for closing a current account 5,00 EUR. Minimal account balance of 30,00 EUR (Funds in the amount of the minimum balance are blocked and are not available to the Customer during the entire period of cooperation between the Bank and the Customer).
5 The account maintenance fee is charged on the last business day of the month for the current month. If the account is closed, the Bank shall deduct the above-mentioned commission fee for the current month on the date of closure of the account.
6 Inactive Current account is an account in which no incoming or outgoing non-cash payments or cash transactions are made within 6 months, and the operation of the account is not related to the performance of other operations in the bank.
7 The amount of the fee is unilaterally determined by the Bank, depending on the complexity and risk factors of the customer/ activity. Higher fees are charged for higher risks.
8 The amount of the fee for due diligence or the conduct of verification is unilaterally determined by the Bank according to actual time used.
9 Comission fees for Basic account correspond to current account fees to the Price List for Individuals Residents.

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