Internet Banking Security

Safety of work with DIGIPASS the device


DIGIPASS DP260 is a code generator high-level security device, which enables the Customer to identify himself/herself before using remote banking services, as well as to make payments and other necessary activities.

When starting work with the code generator, it is necessary to enter the 5-digit PIN-code.

For the first time use, the initial PIN-code assigned by the Bank (five zeros) must be entered. For security purposes, the Customer is responsible for changing the code to a personal PIN-code.

Each generated identification and signature PIN is a unique combination of numbers that depends on the type of device and the generation time. Each code can be used only once.

The generation of unique access codes provides the Customer with a particularly high level of security for working with Internet banking.

DIGIPASS DP260 user manual

Solutions for the protection of your computer 

Industra Bank recommends using the additional security measures. In the work with Multinet system ( we propose to observe the following recommendations: 

  1. When finishing the work in internet bank (, always clock the button “Exit”. 
  2. In order to achieve the maximal security level in work with internetbank, verify and in case of necessity change the browser parameters; Do not save password, user code or any other information in no case. 
  3. Very often the reason, why the unauthorized person has the access to your computer is insufficient password security. To avoid it you should: 
    • Use the word combinations, special symbols, etc., which is known only to you, for the password, for example, numerals, symbols and capital letters. The password in no way can be the name, surname of the user, name of his/ her children, relatives or pets, car registration number, etc.; 
    • Regularly change your password (not rarer than once in two months); 
    • Do not write the passwords on the note papers and do not leave them in available places; 
    • Do not trust the passwords of your computer, internet bank and other passwords to anyone; 
    • If you have suspicion about the access of unauthorized persons to your passwords or code cards, immediately inform it via phone (+ 371 67019341). 
  4. For your computer security use the anti virus solutions like Firewall, Spyware and Antivirus

Firewall – it is the programme, which provides the security barrier between your computer and virtual world. Hackers use the programmes, which are specially equipped for internet scanning and search of unprotected computers. Such programmes send a small amount of the information to the computer and in case if there is no firewall programme installed, it automatically responds to such type of notice (message), which respectively gives the possibility to force the system. Firewall programme recognizes such cases and do not respond to them, so hackers cannot get to know that your computer is connected to the network at all. 

Spyware – a programme, which protects against the spywares, undesirable advertisements, “Trojan horses”, keyboard spies, personal data stealing, spy threats, fraudulent programs, undesirable software, “fishing”, popups and undesirable home pages.  

Always ask help professionals when choosing the anti virus solution. 

Antivirus programs

Antivirus – the program, which recognizes and removes the computer viruses. In order to fight with the computer viruses, there are developed very many special antivirus programs, so called program scanners. 

The principle of antivirus scanner actions is to find the infected files, while scanning the hard disk and removable data carriers (USB flash). Antivirus can find only those viruses, which are known to him and, if after scanning the antivirus has not fixed anything, it does not mean, that the viruses are missing. It is advisable to renew antivirus data basis as often as possible.  

Practical recommendations 

Computer security

Control the computer program, used for the performance of electronic services on regular basis: 

  • Follow up, who uses your computer, 
  • Use the screensaver with password during your absence, 
  • Use several computer information protection means – access passwords, newest internet protection tools and regularly renew the browsers, regularly renew antivirus programs. 

Security solutions offered by the bank

  • Use the day limits – if they are exceeded there must be performed the additional authorization (notice to the bank, it is advisable to the users to use also the double authorization of the transaction). 
  • Use the identification means of the higher security level – code calculators, where the generated codes are valid for certain term and are not repeated. 
  • Use the possibility offered by the bank to recall the client, if the payment sum exceeds the stated limit. 

Control the finance movement on the accounts 

  • Control your balance of the account and the information about the transactions in the bank on regular basis. 
  • Use the possibility to receive the message (SMS) about the performed transactions by help of mobile bank. 

In case of suspicions contact your bank obligatory 

  • If you have any doubts about any of the transactions, letter, e-mails, calls, contact the bank obligatory and make sure about their correctness (Phone: +371 67019393). 
  • Remember, the bank will never request the requisites of the client, which are required for the usage of the electronic services. 

Open an account and apply for a payment card!