Guaranteed Deposit Compensation

Protection of the state-guaranteed deposits

Background information on the protection of the state-guaranteed deposits

Guarantees on deposits with a credit institution
Safety of your deposits is guaranteed by the deposit guarantee scheme, which has been established pursuant to the Deposit Guarantee Law. In case of unavailability of deposits at a credit institution, your deposit in the amount of up to EUR 100,000 shall be compensated by the Deposit Guarantee Fund.

Maximum amount of guaranteed compensation
The maximum amount of guaranteed compensation is EUR 100,000 per each depositor per credit institution. The currency of the guaranteed compensation shall be the euro. Payment of the guaranteed compensation shall not apply to the deposits specified in Section 23 of the Deposit Guarantee Law.

  1. the deposits of credit institutions and credit unions;  
  2. the deposits of financial institutions;
  3. the deposits of such municipalities, the annual budget of which exceeds 500,000 euros, and the deposits of the institutions of direct administration;
  4. the deposits that are related to money laundering or are to be recognised as illegally acquired assets, provided a convicting judgment of a court has entered into force;
  5. the deposits the depositor of which has not been identified as client as required under the provisions of the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorism and Proliferation Financing;
  6. deposits, which, in accordance with Article 62 of Regulation (EU) No 575/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 June 2013 on prudential requirements for credit institutions and investment firms and amending Regulation (EU) No 648/2012, constitute own funds of the deposit taker, including the amortised part thereof in accordance with Article 64 of the abovementioned Regulation;
  7. the deposits of insurance and reinsurance companies;
  8. the deposits of investment firms;
  9. the deposits of investment management firms;
  10. the deposits of private pension funds;
  11. the deposits of the managers of alternative investment funds;
  12. debt securities issued by a credit institution, as well as obligations arising from its bills of exchange, including transferable bills of exchange;
  13. the deposits with which no transactions have been made within the last two years of the date of occurrence of unavailability of deposits and the value of which is lower than 10 euros.

Maximum amount of additionally guaranteed compensation
In addition to the maximum guaranteed compensation in the amount of EUR 100,000, a depositor is entitled to the guaranteed compensation in the amount of up to EUR 200,000 in accordance with the types of deposits and provisions specified in Section 4 of the Deposit Guarantee Law.

Calculation of guaranteed compensation in case  of multiple deposits at the same credit institution
Total of your deposits at the same credit institution or credit union shall be aggregated and maximum amount of guaranteed compensation (EUR 100.000) shall be applied to the total amount.

Calculation of guaranteed compensation in case of a joint deposit with other person(s)
If more than EUR 100,000 are held on the account, the guaranteed compensation in the amount of up to EUR 100.000 shall be applied to each depositor separately provided that this depositor has been identified prior to the date of occurrence of unavailability of deposits.

The compensation is paid to each person according to the part of the deposit specified in the deposit agreement, or, if it is not specified, the deposit is divided into equal shares. 

If a depositor manages funds in the depositor's account that are payable to another person, then the person, who can prove his right to claim the funds managed by the depositor, shall be entitled to receive the guaranteed compensation, provided that the deposit taker has identified this person before the date of occurrence of unavailability of the deposit.

Beginning of guaranteed compensation payout process in case of unavailability of deposits and guaranteed compensation payout to minors

Payment of the guaranteed compensation is made during five years from the date of occurrence of the unavailability of deposits or from the date when the circumstances that constitute the basis for the refusal of guaranteed compensation payment, as specified in Section 27(1) of the Deposit Guarantee Law, have ceased to exist

Guaranteed compensation is paid out starting from the 8th working day after the date of occurrence of unavailability of deposits.

Legal representatives (parents) or guardians, as appointed in accordance with the procedures specified in Section 222 of the Civil Law and Section 26 of the Law on Orphan's and Custody Courts, of underage depositors (account holders) are entitled, in case of unavailability of deposits and in accordance with the minor's property interests, to perform all necessary actions to receive the minor's state-guaranteed compensation in accordance with the procedure established in regulatory enactments.

Persons are entitled to receive the guaranteed compensation in person from the moment they reach the age of 18.

Information on the possibility of mutual offset of claims
In the calculation of guaranteed compensation due to a depositor, the depositor’s liabilities against credit institution may be taken into account and mutually offset.

Latvijas Banka: K.Valdemāra str. 2A, Riga, LV-1050, phone: 67022300. Home page:

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