Current Account As Basic Account

Industra Bank offers to private individuals – consumers, who are residents of the European Union*, to open and use a current account as a basic account.

Services offered by Industra Bank within the Basic Account include: 

  • Multi-currency current account opening and maintenance (all operations necessary for opening, maintenance and closure of a current account) 
  • Crediting of funds to the current account
  • Cash withdrawal from the basic account during Industra Bank's business hours or at ATMs all across Latvia
  • Money transfers, if the payee’s account is open with a payment service provider in Latvia or European Union member state – 
    • non-cash credit transfers/ euro payments, including via MultiNet Remote Banking Services system 
    • regular payments and regular payments of electronic invoices 
    • payments with Maestro payment card (in euro), including online payments.

To apply for Basic Account services, the consumer should submit a confirmation to AS Industra Bank stating that he/she does not have an open current account as basic account, which provides above-mentioned services, with another credit institution providing payment services in Latvia.

Basic Account services may be refused and terminated in cases provided in the Law on Payment Services and Electronic Money.

The purchase of additional services is not compulsory in order to start using Basic Account services.

Please read:


* Citizens of the Republic of Latvia, non-citizens of the Republic of Latvia or citizens of another European Union member state, European Economic Area member state or Swiss Confederation, as well as persons entitled to reside in Latvia in accordance with laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia, including asylum seekers or refugees or persons who have acquired alternative status, even if the person has not declared his/her place of residence in Latvia. 

Open an account and apply for a payment card!