In force from 10.05.2024.

2.1. Cash deposit into customers own account1

No. Services Price list in EUR
2.1.1. EUR, USD - up to 5000,00 (per day) 0,1% of amount (min. 5,00 EUR) over 5000,01 (per day) 0,5% of amount
2.1.2. In other currencies 2% of amount (min.10,00 EUR)
2.1.3. To cover commissions free of charge

2.2. Cash withdrawal from the account2

No. Services Price list in EUR
2.2.1. EUR 1% of amount (min. 10,00 EUR)
2.2.2. in other currencies3 2% of amount (min. 20,00 EUR)
2.2.3. Processing of online Cash Payout Application in Internet bank 3,00 EUR
2.2.4. Processing of cash payout application, for the delivery of money to the Customer, using the service of the Bank's cooperation partner 0.2% of amount (min. 10,00 EUR, max. 100,00 EUR)

2.3. Additional fees

No. Services Price list in EUR
2.3.1. Preparing cash for withdrawal by denominations requested by the customer 1% of amount (min. 5,00 EUR)
2.3.2. Cash withdrawal without prior notification2 1,5% of amount
2.3.3. Fine sanctions for amount ordered in a written form, has not been withdrawal 0,5% of the total order

2.4. Exchange cash with denomination change3

No. Services Price list in EUR
2.4.1. EUR - exchange of banknotes of one nominal into other 0,5% of amount (min. 5,00 EUR) change of coins into banknotes and vice - versa, change of coin nominal4 2,00 EUR for every 50 coins
2.4.2. Foreign currency 1% of amount (min. 5,00 EUR)

2.5. Exchange of damaged and (overworn) banknotes5

No. Services Price list in EUR
2.5.1. EUR free of charge
2.5.2. Other currencies do not accept

2.6. Verification of banknotes

No. Service Price list in EUR
2.6.1. Verification of banknotes for validity 0,5% of amount (min. 10,00 EUR)

2.7. Coins processing6;7

No. Services Price list in EUR
2.7.1. For customers of Industra Bank 2,00 EUR for every 50 coins
2.7.2. For customers who have not opened an account at Industra Bank 5,00 EUR for every 50 coins

2.8. Cash advance on payment cards in POS terminals of Industra Bank

No. Service Price list in EUR
2.8.1. Payment under other banks payment cards 3,5% of amount (min. 5,00 EUR)

1 No foreign currencies coins accepted.
2 Amounts that exceed 3 000,00 EUR or equivalent in other currencies, in Customer Services Centers must be ordered in a written form 2 banking days before payment. 
3 If avalaible in the bank.
4 Tariff for Customer of the Bank.
5 The Bank reserves the right not to accept damaged (overworn) banknotes if they don't comply with internal requirements (General Business Terms and Conditions).
6 Coins must be sorted by a value.

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