In force from 05.02.2024.

12.1. Application

No. Service Price list in EUR
12.1.1. Consideration of application by agreement (min. 50,00 EUR)1

12.2. Execution of agreement

No. Services Price list in EUR
12.2.1. Execution of standard agreement2 According to the normal procedure (within 3 business days) 0,3% from transaction amount (min. 500,00 EUR) According to the expedited procedure (within 24 hours)3 0,6% from transaction amount (min. 500,00 EUR)
12.2.2. Execution of non-standard agreement by agreement (min. 500,00 EUR)
12.2.3. Amendments to the agreement (for each time) by agreement (min. 50,00 EUR)

12.3. Closing

No. Service Price list in EUR
12.3.1. Closing an account free of charge

12.4. Other services

No. Services Price list in EUR
12.4.1. Preparation of a printout from the State Unified Computerized Land Register 15 EUR

1 The fee shall be paid before consideration of the application. In case of conclusion of an Escrow account agreement, the fee for execution of Escrow account agreement will be reduced by this amount. In case of refusal by the Bank to open an account, the fee for consideration of documents will not be paid back.
2 Unpledged real estate sale and purchase transaction between one buyer and one seller, execution of the contract in Latvian.
3 Execution of the escrow account agreement is possible after submitting the full set of documents to the Bank.

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